I hope everyone gets the privilege to persuit their dreams one day. For me it started when I was 19, with having my first bosses acknowledge my curiosity as a strength in business, and not just an annoying thing as my teachers always told me in school..
The same teachers that said I wasn’t going to succeed in anything because I was never quiet and questioned rules… I know personally how important it is to have people believe in you early. It can make all the difference!
That’s the reason why we started the initiative #GeTillbaka (#GiveBack) four years ago, to create a Platform for young dreamers like I was to succeed, get exposure, and to get mentorship and advice from people who believe in them and has done it themselves.
We wanted to show people that if we can do it, you can do it too!
Today the #Giveback project has given out more than 7 scholarships and over 250.000 SEK to people under 30 with ambition all over Sweden with heritage from all over the world.
This year we’re giving away 2 more scholarships and tomorrow is the last day to apply. ❗ If you are under 30, and in some way see yourself as a role model for Young leadership and you want to make a difference in the world: apply on www.getillbaka.se today ⭐❤ Thanks to everyone that has gotten involved in the project during the years.
You are all amazing. ❤⭐
/ Nils Engvall, Founder of the #GiveBack initiative